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29 tips to manage change, survive and thrive
The beginning of “Change, How Organisations Achieve Hard-to-Imagine Results in Uncertain and Volatile Times” sets the scene.
Disruptive change
Disruptive change is the central force shaping the challenges that organisations and people face nowadays. Neither human nature, nor the most common form of the modern organisation, are designed to handle anything close to this degree of change. As a result, there is a growing gap between the rate, amount, and complexity of change outside organisations and the ability of the hardwired enterprise and our human capacity to keep up. Organisations designed fundamentally for a slower-moving, and a more predictable world both struggle or at least miss the big opportunities. Read “Thank you for being late”.
Recognise this
A hand-picked group of a dozen executives, many from HR, had a series of meetings and did some top-level interviews to clarify what culture they believed was needed. The output from these meetings went to the executive committee for their approval. With minor tweaks, approval was given. These groups drew up plans for “cascading” the information down the hierarchy and “educating” management about the new culture. This approach focuses on telling and not on showing, on talking and not on action, on having to instead of wanting to.