Activate yourself
I am a huge fan of Brian Scott. My blog about his book “The reality revolution” is one of my best-read blogs.
Activate Your Unlimited Power
That is why I picked up “·Activate Your Unlimited Power: Discover the Boundless Possibilities that Lie Within”. How to unlock the unlimited. Because the only limits we have are the limits we believe in. The book aims to create a new belief that there is no limit to the miracles you can create when you activate your unlimited power and help you perceive the very essence of your potential.
Other books
The book is a simple/short version of:
The only ceilings for self-actualisation are those you place over yourself. Believe in the limitless power of your potential. When you truly believe, there is a shift from impossibility to possibility. Let your body tell your mind that you are ready for greatness.
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” — Proverbs 23:7
Our beliefs are like a script, and the subconscious acts as a diligent actor, playing out the scripts in the theatre of your life. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like; as a result, your dominant thoughts and beliefs will attract corresponding events and circumstances into your life. “Ask, and it is given”. Your mind is like a vast uncharted…