Deglobalisation and system collapse
The world we know is eminently fragile. “The End of the World is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalisation” is a book about how this fragility will lead to collapse. The book reminds me of “Leading through Disruption: A Changemaker’s Guide to Twenty-First Century Leadership”, but then on steroids. It is all about geopolitics, supply line disruption, defragmentation of globalisation and the consequences of such. The ultimate consequences are war and famine. It is a very bleak book. Everything local is the solution. I suggest you read “Designing Reality: How to Survive and Thrive in the Third Digital Revolution” as an antidote.
Our world is breaking apart
Geopolitically and demographically speaking, we have been living in that perfect moment for most of the last seventy-five years. Since 1945, the world has been the best it has ever been. The best it will ever be. Now, our world is doomed.
Place matters
The book starts by explaining that geography matters. Place matters. Demographics, land, water, energy, wind, minerals and logistics. Place has mattered less since 1945 because the USA took on the role of being the global police agent. Securing the supply lines and securing globalisation. Establishing the Global Order.