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The shifting paradigms
I am a big fan of Brett King. He writes about shifting paradigms. He wrote “Bank 3.0”, Breaking banks and “Augmented”. They are all must-read, particularly if you are in financial service.
The Rise of Technosocialism
I was looking forward to his new book “The Rise of Technosocialism: How Inequality, AI and Climate will Usher in a New World”. It is another version of “The exponential age” with a more optimistic message. Or a version of “Utopia for Realists” (for example, they both agree on the positive impact of immigrants on economies).
Disruption on steroids
The 21st century is going to be the most disruptive, contentious period humanity has ever lived through. Economically, we are entering an era of explosive uncertainty. COVID-19 illustrates the potential for failures in our political, social and economic systems. The crisis that has unfolded worldwide over the past couple of years gives us an important opportunity for self-examination and for the rethinking of systems that have failed us and will likely do so again.
When looking at social cohesion on a global scale, the potential for climate change to wreak havoc, accentuate uncertainty and to introduce increasing risk is unparalleled. In the final year of World War II, about 40% of the world’s GDP was spent on the…