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We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are
Perception is reality. That is the summary of the book. Seeing is active, not passive. What you decide to see determines your life. With the observer effect, you must be careful about what you see. You programme the quantum foam. The world and body we experience are always part construct: a product of our own conscious and nonconscious predictions. How we see and experience the world is routinely shaped and guided by our own predictions and expectations.
The Experience Machine
Hence, “The Experience Machine: How Our Minds Predict and Shape Reality”. It is a difficult book to explain as it goes into some deep (and fascinating) science trying to explain predictive processing. Nothing we do or experience is untouched by our own expectations. Instead, all human experience is part phantom — the product of deep-set predictions. Our brains are basically guessing machines, proactively anticipating signals from the body and the surrounding world. Human experience and thinking are orchestrated from the inside by neuronal activity and the dense network of brain-body interactions and from the outside by the highly structured social and technological worlds in which we live and act.
A lot of the experience is inside